Lucy Dissection
Lucy, Dissection
On Friday the 6th of June Pat came down to the school with a lamb (Lucy) that he had killed because it had eczema. He first skinned it and cut it open around the shoulder blade. Then he showed us a ball and socket joint and told us how it worked. Then he told us that if you put out a hip it is a serious injury because it breaks the ligament in the ball and socket. Then he cut it down the middle to show us the “GUTS” first he showed us where everything is set out and explained that we are very similar to a sheep on the inside. Then some of us got some gloves on and held a piece of lung. Then he got out the liver and we passed that round. The liver really stunk! After that he showed us that the lungs have air in them and they float and the liver doesn’t. Even try it! Some time after we had been looking at the liver he showed us where the heart lived. He opened up the heart and showed us the arteries and all of the chambers that the heart has. Then came the smelly bit. He opened up the stomach and Lucy had just had a feed! There was heaps off munted grass that the stomach had been processing. After we had done that we had an experiment at finding how long the small intestine was. It measured it as 14 steps running. Th
en he opened the head/cranium. He cut the jaw open so we could see that Lucy had not been brushing her teeth! Then he showed us the Lens in the eyeball. He opened it up and it squirted liquid at him. When he opened it up more you could see this really cool greeny, bluey colour. It looked really effective when it was shining in the sunlight. After we had finished we put Lucy to rest in the peaceful (smelly) offal hole!
On Friday the 6th of June Pat came down to the school with a lamb (Lucy) that he had killed because it had eczema. He first skinned it and cut it open around the shoulder blade. Then he showed us a ball and socket joint and told us how it worked. Then he told us that if you put out a hip it is a serious injury because it breaks the ligament in the ball and socket. Then he cut it down the middle to show us the “GUTS” first he showed us where everything is set out and explained that we are very similar to a sheep on the inside. Then some of us got some gloves on and held a piece of lung. Then he got out the liver and we passed that round. The liver really stunk! After that he showed us that the lungs have air in them and they float and the liver doesn’t. Even try it! Some time after we had been looking at the liver he showed us where the heart lived. He opened up the heart and showed us the arteries and all of the chambers that the heart has. Then came the smelly bit. He opened up the stomach and Lucy had just had a feed! There was heaps off munted grass that the stomach had been processing. After we had done that we had an experiment at finding how long the small intestine was. It measured it as 14 steps running. Th